


青少年心脏健康 联合创始人卢卡·皮斯托(卢卡Pistor)是皇冠hga025斯坦福大学的一名新生. 他目前正在攻读学士学位.A. 语言学和B.S. 计算机科学. He previously attended high school at BBIS, an international boarding school in Berlin. 因为他的家族有心脏病史, Luca became interested in preventive measures that can be taken against heart disease, 他联系了预防心脏病专家卡罗尔·沃森, MD, 博士学位. 他们的邮件促成了2014年与她的团队的一次圆桌讨论。青少年心脏健康倡议诞生了.

Founding Members of the UCLA 青少年心脏健康 / 心 Institute of the Caribbean: (from Left) Mackenzie, 赞恩, 科里(左跪), 印度(右跪), Dr. 卡罗尔·沃森,加雷特,光辉战机. 为国际青年工作的青少年心脏健康大使

Luca states; "If heart disease is the number one reason people die, 这在很大程度上是童年时期开始的生活方式选择的结果, 我们必须向K-12学校传达这一信息,以产生最大的影响。”. Luca and the other teen co-founders Kaycee Branche and Hannah Fogelman worked throughout their High School time, 扩大青少年接触范围, 并在洛杉矶各地的K-8学校举办心脏健康讲习班. 随着卢卡将他的社会创业项目扩展到全球, he brought heart health education to teens in schools around the world with his social impact program JSESInternational.com. Luca is committed to increasing heart-healthy habits to teens and young adults worldwide!



The UCLA 青少年心脏健康  / 心 Institute of the Caribbean Group Founding Member

Founding Members of the UCLA 青少年心脏健康 / 心 Institute of the Caribbean: (from Left) Mackenzie, 赞恩, 科里(左跪), 印度(右跪), Dr. 卡罗尔·沃森,加雷特,光辉战机. 为国际青年工作的青少年心脏健康大使

青少年心脏健康协会主席科里·布兰奇说她是一名高三学生,目前就读于Windward学校. One of her goals is to enter the field of medicine and educate the public on easy ways to stay healthy. Corrie has been a part of the 青少年心脏健康 program since 2017 and took over as president of the program in 2019. 2019年1月,科里开始与奥巴马博士合作. Ernest Madu on developing a teen heart health program in Jamaica and has since been working hard to get the program

离开地面! In early January the THH集团 gathered together to assemble gift bags including 心脏健康小贴士,以及 有价值的信息, 还有一些零食,包括沙滩球, 水瓶, 杂志, 还有我个人的笔记!The gift bags were boxed and sent to the Jamaican 心 Institute to be distributed to youths there. This was the groups first International venture and they are looking forward to building this connection and more.


印度的 is 目前是华盛顿大学圣路易斯市的一年级学生. 路易. "I am interested in teen heart health because I think it is important to address early prevention methods for the leading cause of death in the U.S. 尤其是因为它对非裔美国人的影响尤为严重."




Garett柯林斯 "I will begin my Freshman year at Loyola Marymount University this Fall and just completed my Senior year at Calabasas High School. 我在高二的时候加入了青少年心脏健康计划, believing it to be an extraordinary opportunity to inspire improved cardiovascular health awareness in my community and abroad. 作为大四学生, 回顾, 我对我们取得的进展感到兴奋, and look forward to growing this valuable resource into a national program with global outreach as well."



凯尔黄金 “我是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的一名大二本科生. I joined 青少年心脏健康 because I want to be part of an amazing community of individuals who spread heart health awareness to students in order to prevent diseases later in life. I am excited to start working with 青少年心脏健康 to make a positive impact on young people in many different areas! 



Mackenzie Marrujo

Mackenzie Marrujo, 她将在今年秋天开始在Windward学校的高三. She comments; "I joined the 青少年心脏健康 program, 因为我们的心脏是我们身体的重要组成部分, 因为它们不仅为我们的动脉输送血液, 但它们也为我们所经历的情感提供动力. 保持这样一个重要器官的健康和繁荣是很重要的, 这样我们才能最大限度地体验生活."



光辉Shivkumar “我是布伦特伍德学校2021届的一员. 我开始对心脏健康感兴趣是因为我父亲是一名心脏病专家, 看看它是如何不成比例地影响青少年和年轻人的, I wanted to work with a program which would help educate teens on how to be heart healthy and spread awareness about teen heart health. UCLA's 青少年心脏健康 program is amazing because it allows us to educate many other teenagers through personal interactions, 而且没有年龄差异让我们很容易与他们建立联系. 


赞恩圣. 约翰

赞恩圣. 约翰 今年秋天你将在Windward学校读大三吗. “I am interested in the cardiovascular health of teenagers because I recognize the importance of maintaining heart health from youth into old age. 亲属有心血管疾病, 我意识到保持一个人的心脏健康是多么重要.”



Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and globally, 尽管在过去的50年里心血管疾病死亡率有所改善, 心脏病的死亡率仍然高得令人无法接受. 除了, recent negative trends in the heath of adolescents make it likely that cardiovascular disease epidemic will only worsen in the coming years. 最近的几项研究表明,美国青少年现在不是很健康. 使用来自美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的数据, researchers recently evaluated the frequency of “ideal heart health” (normal blood pressure, 胆固醇, 血糖, 身体质量指数以及健康饮食, regular physical activity and not smoking) in teens and found he numbers troubling. 他们特别发现:

  • 超过80%的青少年男孩和女孩饮食不良. (不到1%的人有理想的饮食习惯)
  • 超过30%的男孩和40%的女孩有高血糖水平
  • 56%的女孩和33%的男孩没有进行足够的体育活动
  • 三分之一的男孩和女孩都超重和肥胖
  • 2/3的男孩和女孩都有高胆固醇水平
  • 幸运的是, most of the teens had never smoked a cigarette but unfortunately almost 25% of teens had smoked within the past month
  • 幸运的是,大多数男孩和女孩(92.9%和93.(分别为4%)有理想血压

So, 尽管这份报告中有一些好消息, the overall findings and the presence of these poor health metrics in teens does not bode well for the future of this generation. 

Recent research has also found that teens are under increasing amounts of stress. Many teens report being under more stress than they believe is healthy (figure 1), and only half of teens (50%) report feeling confident about their ability to handle their personal problems. 而青少年和成年人都能感受到压力, teens have underdeveloped stress management skills and thus may be more adversely affected by stress. 众所周知,压力是导致心血管疾病的一个危险因素. 

我们发现不良饮食普遍存在, lack of physical activity and increased stress among teens to be particularly alarming. 这就是为什么我们设想了皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校青少年心脏健康倡议. Three motivated teens were the inaugural members of the UCLA 青少年心脏健康倡议 in 2014. 在过去的两年里, 这些青少年进行了头脑风暴会议, completed school visits to share heart healthy messages to other teens and children, 并创造了一个座右铭和网页内容来激励和分享:


Join us in this movement towards overall healthy lifestyles and cardiovascular health. 确保你的未来是最好的. 了解更多:


  • 青少年很容易接触到不健康的快餐,并选择这些选择
  • 在学校或课外活动中承受太多压力的青少年, 发现自己没有足够的时间进行适当的日常锻炼
  • Teens don’t realize that poor health decisions at this stage in their life impact their future heart health


  • Pay attention to what you eat; heart healthy foods like grains, 坚果, 水果和蔬菜可以代替不健康的正餐和零食
  • Form good habits by creating a lifelong active lifestyle - find time with friends for exercise you enjoy – take a bike ride, 去远足, 参加健身房或舞蹈班!
  • 从你的学校午餐计划中选择营养和美味的选择, encourage your administration to partner with companies that offer fresh selections


• Provides an EDUCATION about healthy choices that may immediately affect teens eating and exercising habits and increase their chances for a healthy cardiovascular system